
combined SB rice mill machine working process

for the SB rice mill machine http://www.ricemillingmachinery.com, it is a popular used farm working machine for dealing with paddy rice to white rice. while if everyone know how its working process? 
notice:before use the machine, please ensure there are not too many stones inside the paddy rice. 
1.feed the paddy rice into the machine, there is a simple destoner device to deal with the stone inside the paddy rice, but if too much stone, it can not work well;
2.the paddy rice will run into the rice huller part for remove the husk, then get the brown rice,while the husk will be blowed outside from the husk month;
3.brown rice run into the rice mill room for bill white rice, there are also blowers to take the rice bran away, while the bran run out from the outlet, and the white rice come out from the rice outlet. 
4.yes, the SB rice mill machine http://www.ricemillingmachinery.com is work for several parts, but all connect, automatic work, high capacity, less broken. 

